Soundquality seems great. I’ve tested both on my Adam T8’s and on headphones. No idea about more obscure electronic albums, but there are some stuff Spotify didn’t have, like most of the older Fabric-albums. The recommendations are alright, but nowhere near as good as with Spotify. I’ve just moved the Recommended Weekly with tune my music every Monday. Spotify still updates it even if you’re not paying them premium anymore.
Music streaming services
I don’t bother with paying for any streaming service other than Amazon as I get it as part of my subscription. Between that, my own Apple Music library on my phone and what I stream via SoundCloud and Mixcloud that’s as much as I feel I need.
Most streaming services don’t really cater enough for EM IMO. Not that I’ve come across anyway.
Tidal is great, I found most of what I wanted off Bandcamp on there.
The only problem for me was that I couldn’t get key and bpm off them.
If they cracked that, or wanted to, would tick all boxes for me (stream/listen & stream/dj).
Until they do will be using Beatport Link / Apple Music.
Beatport Link lets me try tunes in mixes etc and saves me from buying loads of stuff I never use. The stuff I like 100% them gets bought and give a physical home.
Which is nice
I have no plans to use the DJeing aspect of Tidal outside of friend’s weddings and the like.
has anyone tried deezer?
Yant Yant, you’ve posted some shit in your time (Porsche trabs), but this takes the fucking shit biscuit.
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Thanks. Not looking for your approval or interested in your opinion.
Yant I’m just giving you FACTS. you still buying loads of artist albums at £13 a pop, or trying out many albums for £10 a month?
Porsche trabs? More like clown shoes.
Spotify for me.
Along_the_Wire you still buying loads of artist albums at £13 a pop
I do.
I’m using Spotify, would rather use an alternative, but I like the playlists I follow in Spotify, so would miss that going elsewhere.
I reckon 75% of what I listen to is in mixcloud or soundcloud.
I used to get all music on iTunes and would pay for it. In India albums are about a £1.50-2.50, so I figure I might as well give back to the artist. Switched over to Apple Music for streaming for the passed 6 months, which is about a quid a month. My quality control has been switched on now, barely buy anything on iTunes.
i was looking at other services yesterday, tidal looks like the best model, but they’re bloody expensive. for my wife and i it’s $30/month. for that price, i think i may just scrap paid streaming all together and just buy a new album every week on bandcamp. it’ll probably cost me less and all the money goes to the artists if they keep doing bandcamp fridays.
303abuser there is something appealing about this, as it would mean going back to the days of buying an album and actually listening to it multiple times. The amount of albums I wasn’t too fussed about on first listen, but a few listens later and I loved them. I’m guilty today in not giving albums enough listening time to appreciate them as on Spotify I tend to listen to far too much and bin stuff off too quickly
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Homegrove yeah, i figure i’ll use the free plays to figure out what i want to buy and just save up purchases for once a month.
being an invalid for the last month has made me realize i spend too much time with tech and living a little more like it’s 25 years ago is a good idea. buy albums instead of streaming, make more music on hardware, use my phone for calls and work, read more and watch less, etc.