The problem with the streaming though is that it’s fucking over so many artists. Pop music will shortly become a version of AI generated Kpop the planet over. Tory music.

    Amps I do agree, and think the model should change. Either whack up the monthly fees by 4-5 times what they are, or make it so that you pay as you go so to speak. The amount of music you have access to for £10 a month is insane. I’m guessing if they hike up what we pay then people just go to stealing it off the internet instead.

    However would need all streaming services to agree a model they all follow, otherwise will never work. But they won’t care I guess as they are not the labels or artists

    • Amps replied to this.

      RichM then people just go to stealing it off the internet instead.

      All artists were doing better when those who stole, stole and those who bought, bought. Streaming is worse.

      Amps This 100% - the small print digital clause - it’s a fucking disgrace