LT42 Are there any “stats” on the others I named too, lads?
This thread is named “Nina Kraviz” - what the heck do the other people you mentioned have to do with anything, aside from also being female?!
If you’re that keen for an opinion though, regardless of how pointless it is, then:
De Witte is incredibly bland and certainly completely over-hyped. Though in fairness to her she at least has an idea of what she’s doing - she was DJing from quite a young age and even had a track which got to no.2 in the Belgian charts in 2015 under a male-sounding pseudonym (‘Raving George’).
Anfisa Letyago is trash who seems to be being opportunistically and cynically pushed right now. Definitely something a bit fishy going on there.
I don’t really know anything about Lilly Palmer.