Even Kells steps up and tries to take your crown SI by even doing a 360 but still fails miserably.
Dubman 😂 If only I were as graceful.
A massive Aussie event full of steroid burgers on speed.
Kells77 Not a bad effort though. I must admit.
Some moves being busted there.
Deserve a better soundtrack though…
Mad_Cyril Respect to the bangers
LT42 You know it bruh
Tax is also pretty deadly on tha mike too…
Mad_Cyril Magnificent skills…selector.
^^^ Saw that this morning, hoping it’s the start of a series.
Credit to @iamdusted for originally posting this years ago on GU
Class from Luke Unabomber.
And sort of true, it’s normally followed by "is that some sort of facking joke?'
Or “are you having a giraffe?”
Great vid Mono!
I must’ve rewatched that 12 times trying to figure out where that car came from.
Still love this.
Totally nails it
Smallman1 Old but still gold from the legend Mike parry.