SM001 Gave up on that show before he arrived, been meaning to give it another go.

    rhouses I loved it but I know many who didn’t. But worth another go definitely.

    7 days later

    15 seconds, that’s all I gave that filth ali-star. Ban request even.

    This is right up @bosstrabs’ strasse.

    a month later

    Deep dived MF Doom’s discog over the last couple of weeks, this is what I’m loving so far (still a lot of stuff to listen to), can confirm these albums are banging:

    1. Madvillainy (obv)
    2. MM..Food
    3. Metal Fingers Presents: Special Herbs Vol 3 & 4
    4. Operation: Doomsday
    5. Metal Fingers Presents: Special Herbs Vol 5 & 6
    6. Key to the Kuffs

    YouTube keeps pushing this on me too, great tune tbf:

    Realized he’s not really a rapper with BIG singles, need to treat his discog as you would concept albums, hit play and let it do its thing.

      I genuinely imagine you have this on repeat all day. Not even sure why!!

      Though maybe the clean version now you have jnr listening too?

      rhouses The greatest rapper imo. I could listen to him all day.

        SM001 last time I heard Rhouses freestyle rap he just whispered ‘kabbaddi’ to me over the phone 324 times before taking a massive breath and hanging up. It was shit.

          Millsy Lol! Serves you right for giving him your number.

          rhouses is rhouses really a supposed old-school hip-hop fan who until now had never listened to MF Doom?!

            hugopal Guilty.

            I knew of him, I was in Orange County when Madvillainy released, and it was huge. Just never gave him the attention he deserved.

              rhouses coincidentally, ‘Madvillainy’ was one of the CDs I brought with when my family went on holiday to California in 2005.

              Btw, King Geedorah - ‘Take Me To Your Leader’ appears to be currently missing off of your list.

                hugopal that’s lined up.

                Viktor Vaughn - Vaudeville Villain this weekend, and on first listen, I’d wager this is the best I’ve heard of him. Immense album.

                23 days later

                The JID album from this year is very good. Worth a listen for the hip hop heads IMO.

                I haven’t even really looked at this thread since starting it.

                It was just supposed to be a repository for all Rhouses’ bilge, and it proved successful in that regard.

                Maybe we can start one for Amps’ Twitter dumps?

                  21 days later
                  a month later

                  The Denzel Curry album from this year is brilliant. Just the kind of production I like in rap.