I saw Deep Dish play a 6hr set in Edinburgh in 2002 and I’d definitely put it in my personal all time top 3. Never lost the crowd for a second.
A hard 10/10.

2 years later

They’re back, and under new management. Already a ‘Flashdance’ BoTOX coming out which is even more horrific than the original. Can’t wait for the inevitable ‘Party All The Time’ BoTOX too…

    hugopal Are there any other instances of the exact same track appearing in two different GU albums?!

    Cascades of Colour (although it was a different mix) on both Seaman’s (can’t remember which) and Tenaglia’s (London).

    Albion - Air on both Digweed Sydney and Oakenfold NY.

    Yes mate, Tenaglia & Digweed GU.

    99% certain the evolution remix of life on mars appeared on seaman and warren GUs.

      Never mind the recently famous Lieutenant Dan, this is CAPTAIN DAN.

      -si- i think you’re right Si, can’t be arsed looking it up mind.

      Actually, I’m certain about 18 of the same BSPF tracks appeared on both Warren’s and Seaman’s GUs, and also all Cattaneo’s mixes.

      It’s def on buenos aires as i listened to it the other week.

      I am not lowering myself to google the GU tracklistings just to make a valid contribution to a JC thread.


      Here’s scott, fresh out of genuinely hilarious jordan henderson jokes, to save the day.

      Thank you, mate!

        Si, welcome back, or should I say WELCOME BANT?!

        Does anybody have a good quality copy of this? I have such amazing memories of gliding around the dancefloor in slow motion to Sasha dropping this in The Red Box.

          ScottBailey Life on Mars - "Life in Minds (Evolution Mix) on #011 and #012

          Yeah. Seaman only plays it for a couple of minutes though so unlike in the Warren mix it doesn’t even include the main riff.

          It’s a rather pointless interlude there from Seaman really. It’s quite extraordinary how forgettable Seaman’s GUs are in general. I’m sure I’ve had a few occasions where I’ve asked myself “have I actually listened to them all the way through properly?” then I go and listen to them and after about 20 minutes realise I probably have and there’s a reason I’ve not made much note of them. Some good tunes amongst them, while also just being a bit of a nothing.

            seanc80 it was in that Deep Dish pack that did the rounds recently thanks to @ArchimedesQ

            I can send when I get home if someone else doesn’t do so before hand.

            Buenos Aires was actually not bad, it gets a right rollicking groove on at some point (some of the Dutch Liquid tracks).

            The rest of the Seaman GUs are pure BSPF and BSBF (bog-standard breaks fodder). Melbourne was absolute dogshit.