I saw Deep Dish play a 6hr set in Edinburgh in 2002 and I’d definitely put it in my personal all time top 3. Never lost the crowd for a second.
A hard 10/10.
Deep Dish
Tall Paul > Deep Dish
jonattonyeah what is it without their bassline though
They’re back, and under new management. Already a ‘Flashdance’ BoTOX coming out which is even more horrific than the original. Can’t wait for the inevitable ‘Party All The Time’ BoTOX too…
Yes mate, Tenaglia & Digweed GU.
Already mentioned, “DAN”.
99% certain the evolution remix of life on mars appeared on seaman and warren GUs.
Never mind the recently famous Lieutenant Dan, this is CAPTAIN DAN.
Life on Mars - "Life in Minds (Evolution Mix) on #011 and #012
It’s def on buenos aires as i listened to it the other week.
I am not lowering myself to google the GU tracklistings just to make a valid contribution to a JC thread.
Here’s scott, fresh out of genuinely hilarious jordan henderson jokes, to save the day.
Thank you, mate!
Si, welcome back, or should I say WELCOME BANT?!
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-si- jordan henderson
way to lower the tone
Does anybody have a good quality copy of this? I have such amazing memories of gliding around the dancefloor in slow motion to Sasha dropping this in The Red Box.
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ScottBailey Life on Mars - "Life in Minds (Evolution Mix) on #011 and #012
Yeah. Seaman only plays it for a couple of minutes though so unlike in the Warren mix it doesn’t even include the main riff.
It’s a rather pointless interlude there from Seaman really. It’s quite extraordinary how forgettable Seaman’s GUs are in general. I’m sure I’ve had a few occasions where I’ve asked myself “have I actually listened to them all the way through properly?” then I go and listen to them and after about 20 minutes realise I probably have and there’s a reason I’ve not made much note of them. Some good tunes amongst them, while also just being a bit of a nothing.
seanc80 it was in that Deep Dish pack that did the rounds recently thanks to @ArchimedesQ
I can send when I get home if someone else doesn’t do so before hand.
Buenos Aires was actually not bad, it gets a right rollicking groove on at some point (some of the Dutch Liquid tracks).
The rest of the Seaman GUs are pure BSPF and BSBF (bog-standard breaks fodder). Melbourne was absolute dogshit.