
Here’s scott, fresh out of genuinely hilarious jordan henderson jokes, to save the day.

Thank you, mate!

    Si, welcome back, or should I say WELCOME BANT?!

    Does anybody have a good quality copy of this? I have such amazing memories of gliding around the dancefloor in slow motion to Sasha dropping this in The Red Box.

      ScottBailey Life on Mars - "Life in Minds (Evolution Mix) on #011 and #012

      Yeah. Seaman only plays it for a couple of minutes though so unlike in the Warren mix it doesn’t even include the main riff.

      It’s a rather pointless interlude there from Seaman really. It’s quite extraordinary how forgettable Seaman’s GUs are in general. I’m sure I’ve had a few occasions where I’ve asked myself “have I actually listened to them all the way through properly?” then I go and listen to them and after about 20 minutes realise I probably have and there’s a reason I’ve not made much note of them. Some good tunes amongst them, while also just being a bit of a nothing.

        seanc80 it was in that Deep Dish pack that did the rounds recently thanks to @ArchimedesQ

        I can send when I get home if someone else doesn’t do so before hand.

        Buenos Aires was actually not bad, it gets a right rollicking groove on at some point (some of the Dutch Liquid tracks).

        The rest of the Seaman GUs are pure BSPF and BSBF (bog-standard breaks fodder). Melbourne was absolute dogshit.

        Can’t beat a “rate your GU” tangent every 3 months. The lifeblood of the JC board.

          Can somebody please get LT a bong before he breaks out the microsoft flight simulator and attempts a reverse corkscrew landing on millsy’s house for not moderating mentions of GU albums…

          LT42 Can’t beat a “rate your GU” tangent every 3 months. The lifeblood of the JC board.


          007 and 013 (disc one)

          Seaman’s Cape Town is a top 5 GU for me, disc 2 is most enjoyable.

          His last one (Lithuania) was most forgettable


            Timo Mass, Ian Wilkie - Twin Town was on Budapest and Buenos Aires

            seanc80 I have such amazing memories of gliding around the dancefloor in slow motion to Sasha dropping this in The Red Box.

            lol, what year was that, Sean? I was probably somewhere in the mist doing the “walk like an Egyptian” dance

            • Heno replied to this.

              LT42 was 2001 , Sasha and Digweed played the point then Sasha done the after party, peak Redbox finished with Cosmos - take me with you

              • LT42 replied to this.

                RichM I miss Jordan Henderson playing for England too mate☹️

                Nothing “too” about that, mate. Only thing Hendo is good for is a toothpaste advert to show off them ’natural Mackem chicklets

                hugopal Seaman only plays it for a couple of minutes though

                Glad I’ve never listened to any as that would’ve pissed me right off.

                There’s a Pisspants mix where he mixes out of Shimmer before the dark breakbeat. Pressed stop immediately and questioned why I was listening to it in the first place.

                Heno the week after I went to Sydney. By the time he came there a few months later he was playing his Airdrawndagger sets.

                If you’ve been hiding from love
                I can understand where you’re coming from

                (Chews side of face off)