Buenos Aires was actually not bad, it gets a right rollicking groove on at some point (some of the Dutch Liquid tracks).
The rest of the Seaman GUs are pure BSPF and BSBF (bog-standard breaks fodder). Melbourne was absolute dogshit.
Buenos Aires was actually not bad, it gets a right rollicking groove on at some point (some of the Dutch Liquid tracks).
The rest of the Seaman GUs are pure BSPF and BSBF (bog-standard breaks fodder). Melbourne was absolute dogshit.
Can’t beat a “rate your GU” tangent every 3 months. The lifeblood of the JC board.
Can somebody please get LT a bong before he breaks out the microsoft flight simulator and attempts a reverse corkscrew landing on millsy’s house for not moderating mentions of GU albums…
Seaman’s Cape Town is a top 5 GU for me, disc 2 is most enjoyable.
His last one (Lithuania) was most forgettable
Timo Mass, Ian Wilkie - Twin Town was on Budapest and Buenos Aires
ScottBailey I miss Jordan Henderson playing for England too mate
RichM I miss Jordan Henderson playing for England too mate
Nothing “too” about that, mate. Only thing Hendo is good for is a toothpaste advert to show off them ’natural Mackem chicklets
hugopal Seaman only plays it for a couple of minutes though
Glad I’ve never listened to any as that would’ve pissed me right off.
There’s a Pisspants mix where he mixes out of Shimmer before the dark breakbeat. Pressed stop immediately and questioned why I was listening to it in the first place.
If you’ve been hiding from love
I can understand where you’re coming from
(Chews side of face off)
Heno I used to have that set on minidisc was so good,
Which set was it exactly?
An initial glance doesn’t bring up any Sasha sets at Redbox online with that on it. It would be strange if it was something you’d managed to download to minidisc in the past but which has now disappeared in to the ether.
Did you mean a Sasha & Digweed set?
Heno, tread carefully chief, you could be about to go into the weeds!