bosstrabs Millsy Kev is a good egg, but got hounded off the board by Wally and Dave. All I ever did was say bants a bit too often to him? If being annoyed by me saying bants was enough to drive someone off the board, MC would have left months ago!
Mad_Cyril bosstrabs If being annoyed by me saying bants was enough to drive someone off the board, MC would have left months ago! Smashy obviously has friends in real life though
Cankles-McJeggings He wrote his reasons when this board very first started aimed at wally. Dave not mentioned. Your relentlessly turgid, insipid and vapid posts were the reason I checked out of Bedrock early, left the first iteration of this forum almost immediately after joining it and will now be holding good to my word as expressed above - months before you ever posted here by the way - no drama sought then and none now. I’d just rather not put myself in a position where I might read what you write
rhouses Lol fuck that’s brutal. Surely not Wally’s obsession with shite marvel movies? Or was it something else?
C_J rhouses rhouses Lol fuck that’s brutal. Surely not Wally’s obsession with shite marvel movies? Or was it something else? I think it was just Wally’s personality in general tbh. To be fair to him, he seems to have “read the room” and “dialled it down” a bit lately….which is nice.
smashdad Millsy Not staunch enough to be happy about almost everything that’s happened since I voted…
jonattonyeah Dunno why some take the chatter on this board so seriously. Throw on some Trisco and share a laugh. It’s all in good fun. Ed gets it worse than anyone and he keeps his chin up (no easy task with that neck of his).
rhouses Shudder to think if Wally was a marvel nerd and a brexiteer. Good enough reason for everyone to exile the board.