Kells77 Anyone else interested in the image that was transmitted back? So many galaxies! I’m really excited to see what other images this telescope will be able to get. Here’s the one unveiled yesterday by Zackster’s favorite leader: Source:
Mad_Cyril Kells77 Definitely, read that more images to be revealed by NASA later today? Looking forward to staring at and trying to comprehend!
Wally Not sure if this link will take you to the specific comment but an astronomer discusses that pic and the new telescope on reddit here:
Kells77 mono-stereo LOL….someone’s having a laugh. I must have missed that on my first look. I can’t see it clearly enough to make out though.
Amps I heard earlier on the telly box that there are roughly 200 trillion stars in that photo, so possibly the same amount of planets… reckon we’re alone?
Cankles-McJeggings Scary to think that out there, there maybe lifeforms less intelligent than humans.