Along_the_Wire Millsy had they been found, it would been hard labour for life territory. And we’ll deserved for being an unchecking clown.
Dubman Me & my cousin flew back to England form India but decided to stop off in Dubai for a few days to visit an English friend. My cousin smuggled a toller of Manali cream as gift for our mate. Our mate got so paranoid he wouldn’t smoke it in his apartment or even down on the beach. I think he binned after we left.
ali-star Dubman no hindsight in kazakhstan, brother. 10 tabs of lsd in cell in 1995! baksheesh? what baksheesh!
Wally Millsy ‘First it was leaving the toilet seat up, THEN it was leaving a phone charger lying around and NOW it’s 40 years hard labour in a gulag. I’m going to my mothers, your dinner is in the microwave’
Old-Dutch To be fair those yokes deserved a better sending off than getting flushed down the khazi. If any situation ever called for a bigger cause for a double drop, I’m yet to see it
Old-Dutch I just want you to know Granto, that if you ever find youself banged up in a Turkish prison, I shall be the first to press my naked bosom against the glass wall for you
Smallman1 The closest I’ve ever been to prison is a 2 star hotel I stayed in during a visit to Liverpool as a student. Remember seeing dog shit in reception.
Mad_Cyril Smallman1 The closest I’ve ever been to prison is a 2 star hotel I stayed in during a visit to Liverpool as a student. Remember seeing dog shit in reception. Calling bullshit. Dogger in reception is three stars in Merseydive
Smallman1 ali-star this is why you don’t like Dave Clarke, strictly for tough guys! Another place my southern chat doesn’t seem to resonate!
mono-stereo ArchimedesQ fucking hell mate. Sent down for 12 months for having 2 tabs on you? Or did they factor in your previous?
ArchimedesQ mono-stereo I think plod had a word with the judge tbf. I’d been at it for a while and was getting away with it. Going not guilty and costing the taxpayer a fortune over £6 worth of gear probably didn’t help. I appealed against the sentence too but it took nearly 5 months to get to the appeal court and still got knocked back.
ali-star Smallman1 then you must be a northerner in disguise, they called sassy sasha son of god in 94, 95? hard to tell when i was in kazakhstani jail with opium man ripping open my pum pum.
ali-star i know the albanian mafia in london are real tough guys, some of them like to mix their turbofolk with the gabber, you hear of such a thing?