Cankles-McJeggings Dan Masters properly stitched a mate up of mine and didn’t tell him he wasn’t turning up. At all. Not even last minute just didn’t bother. I know Parks and Wilson also had a big do with him too. Apparently fisticuffs and Chris bourne had to step in. Must be a bit of a prick it seems. Is he even still going in any form?
Cankles-McJeggings Dan I honestly haven’t heard of him or seen him in years and years. Not that I look out for him though. All these cunts use aliases so probably still doi g shit but as for DJing. I can’t even recall the last time I saw him mentioned anywhere.
apyssjw Dan Cankles-McJeggings From memory retired at one point (noughties early teens?) to run a yoga studio. He used to regularly post on 4four.
Amps NasserAlazzawi I mean can you imagine. They all still got paid, so not the end of the world. Hit the rider, take the weight off.
NasserAlazzawi Amps Nah mate. Most of us don’t do it for the money like that. The preparation alone would have been a lot and that’s before you factor in the weight of disappointing your fans waiting on the dancefloor plus some friends who travelled especially when they could have been doing something else.
Old-Dutch NasserAlazzawi especially when they could have been doing something else. They will have missed some blinding footage of people queing to see the Queen’s coffin for that. Poor bastards
RichM NasserAlazzawi a club like MOS, surely someone working there should have told the prick to fuck off and let the next DJ on. I’m guessing they must have people there managing the DJs on that night. So poor display by MOS to let that happen
NasserAlazzawi RichM he’s a known physical aggressor and what I think happened is people working there heard ‘I’m not fucking coming off.’ To avoid a scene / injury even by security they kept the peace and let the DJs after take the fall.
Old-Dutch I’ve never heard of this guy before but have been reading through some of the posts in the links above and it seems he’s as horrendous as I expected him to be. Please tell me that Youtube video Nass posted is a parody?
NasserAlazzawi Old-Dutch it’s not - he even had it taken down and someone saved it Also he was outed for buying ‘views’ on videos which leads me to think he just bought all his followers to become famous by subsequently bigger bookings.
erik Tbf the whole thing is shit, the djs, the music, the calling people out. File under; fuck this, let’s never talk about it again
Dubman I take it Gordo & Carnage are the same person. I couldn’t even tell you what genre they play. I’d call it shite-house