gcw mono-stereo there could be something in that. I’ve only known 2 people who used it and it both worked on them. They weren’t the most academic of people
Millsy whatever 'you are incredibly attractive and women think you are a ripped adonis….3,,2,1… you’re back in the room’ Looks in mirror, Wealdstone Raider stares back, but Ed sees Jason Statham This explains a lot.
gcw Along_the_Wire never had that privilege, plus I think my last 20 flights have been easyjet or Ryanair, not done transatlantic since 2016
Cankles-McJeggings Hypnosis is like a lot of the other hoodoo pseudo medicine. You have to believe in the shite and it’s down to placebo effect if you ask me. I had a surgery go pear shaped and it caused lots of neuropathic pain from nerve damage. I read into pain receptors, how they work, how hypnosis can turn the pain receptors off. Went to some professor who’s versed in hypnosis and pain management and guess what? Absolutely fuck all difference. What a surprise. However…there’s some hypnosis tart that I listen to when I’m going sleep in my in-ears that’s free on YouTube and weirdly I’ve found that the next day I can be completely out of pain.
BlainSA Same as Dermo. Did fuck all for me except rinse me of a lot of green Queens. The sleep hypnosis YT stuff does work sometimes though.