rhouses Anyone finding it a bit rich having a bunch of western countries who have built their wealth on the back of centuries of war, looting, genocide, slavery, and colonization having a go at the Middle East? The noisiest being the sanctimonious whites who choose to ignore their countries’ dubious history. Laughable behaviour.
STFU, take the money and play football. Otherwise grow a pair and boycott. But spare us the non-stop sanctimony, getting sickeningly hypocritical.
Instinctively, yes, I am definitely finding it a bit rich hearing barely-sentient mouth-breathing over-privileged vip-badge-wearing virtue-signalling total fucking idiots preaching whatever kinds of pseudo-ethical woke nonsense happens to align with their current arbitrary self-interested value system, particularly in light of much of their current fortunes having been built on the backs of slaves and oppressed minorities in times gone by.
On the other hand, can one ever condone “the country that banned Love?” I think not ❤️ 🌈 👨❤️💋👨