Smallman1 seanc80 The lads all filing slowly into the Horse & Bantz for 1.75 hrs of slow drinking and general worry. Lol!
Cankles-McJeggings Oh Christ this is going to be nauseating. 🤮🤮🤮 MC has every chance to sharpen smalls up in person and all’s that’s going to happen now is a big gay get together and then incessant reciprocating tummy tickling and smoozing up to each other on here for years to come. Don’t trust Grant, MC. Edwand has clearly got something on him. Maybe talked him into the Cockring bar after too many apple spritzers. Maybe some picture of him with a pool ball in his mouth? ABH first, questions later. 👍
bosstrabs Cankles-McJeggings I cannot imagine anything more nauseating than if MC and Smallman end up like Ed and Snidey Paul, giving each other bellyrubs on here every five minutes. However, I think MC has more integrity and resistance to Ed’s ‘charm’.
NasserAlazzawi Cankles-McJeggings massive gayer fest Cankles-McJeggings big gay get together There’s no shame, out with it Rugs
Mad_Cyril It’s telling that Dermo thinks it’s de rigeur to instantly snot anyone you meet off an internet messageboard! Did you ever snot that guy you were meeting for man-hugs in Sydney’s botanical gardens slugger?
Cankles-McJeggings Mad_Cyril Did you ever snot that guy you were meeting for man-hugs in Sydney’s botanical gardens slugger? No because the little fucker never had the bollox to carry it through. He’d have been getting smacked no questions too.
Smallman1 Derm should fly in from Scotland, quick, cheap, easy. Not sure he’d fancy me running rings round him in person too though!
Cankles-McJeggings Smallman1 Not sure he’d fancy me running rings round him in person too though! You’d be getting twatted too . I honestly couldn’t give a shit what any of you do. I just find it fucking weird that 2 cunts who call one another cunts over and over throughout the year now feel the need to have a beer together. Fucking fruits. I await the nauseating selfie of you both lolling the fuck out of one another like 2 massive benders.
RichM Cankles-McJeggings you spend so much time on this board communicating with people, why wouldn’t you want to meet up with them given a chance. The fact that you wouldn’t want to makes it even weirder
-si- Have you met anyone on the board, derm? I won’t believe a word of it if you say you wouldn’t like to meet up with everyone, xmas jumper on, drinking mulled wine and laughing at hursty’s crypto investments to the background sound of carol singing!