Mad_Cyril LT42 This has been bubbling for a while now LT. Spill the beans on your theory. identity conspiracies are the elixir of messageboard life!
bosstrabs LT42 Lets just say the ghost was always here and constructs live on, MC. But people off here have met Alistair haven’t they?
Along_the_Wire bosstrabs yeah, he’s definitely not Flares. You can spot Flares a mile off because he’s a massive, massive cunt.
Along_the_Wire LT42 I’ve met the cunt and Ed has met Hursty and Alistair - having seen a selfie of the three of them, I can confirm none of them are Flares.
alistair LT42 Let’s put this silly vendetta to bed? I’m all for positive energy in the season of goodwill.
Mad_Cyril alistair Let’s put this silly vendetta to bed? I’m all for positive energy in the season of goodwill. Warm hugs?
LT42 alistair there’s no “vendetta”, you were mistaken for somebody else on top of being a poster who burns people’s eyeballs out of their heads. If you can give it out be prepared to take it back. Its always been that way around here.