bosstrabs zackster I am absolutely FEWMIN. I’m not sure whether I demand Smallman adds me NOW otherwise I will savage him daily on here OR I couldn’t stand the bellyrubs and Dutch Rudders Snidey Paul and his mates give each other.
rhouses bosstrabs Giving Smalls a leadership position at bants school was a mistake. We can track back swiftly and undo this. Give it a thought. Regards, Rhouses (Honoris Causa Doctorate: Bants School)
Cankles-McJeggings Talks like an internet sepo mong. Everything he posts is lifted from spastic twitter mongs. Pretty sure he’s a grown man but posts like an 18 year old girl. Needs realignment with the claw hammer. Massive fail.
Mad_Cyril Cankles-McJeggings Talks like an internet sepo mong. Everything he posts is lifted from spastic twitter mongs. Pretty sure he’s a grown man but posts like an 18 year old girl. Needs realignment with the claw hammer. Massive fail. Pretty sure Dave is from Warrington
C_J bosstrabs Snidey Paul plus hangers on. No thanks. Who else is in it? Electric Tease and Junior Felix? 😂
BlainSA C_J I think a 2 week ban for Zack would be in everyone’s best interest Should be put to the vote. 2 week ban or become a mod. It’s the only way… (Ripley voice)
Cankles-McJeggings He’s got stuff to offer but needs to drop this ridiculous twitter bot meme repeat and purile internet speak. If he doesn’t he can fuck off .
BlainSA bosstrabs Public Enamy Everyone taking the piss out of Zackster for being prepubescent with his posts… Then this