LT42 rhouses erm, you mentioned “goosebumps”. Quality mixing aside that mix is dull as fuck, Rhouses. The Tyrant CD is far better.
BlainSA rhouses Great to be reacquainted with Jay Tripwire Made a lot of shite and and the odd bit of gold. Was really looking forward to his warm up at Bedrock, but it was pretty bad.
hugopal rhouses Great to be reacquainted with Jay Tripwire & Asad Rizvi. Legends. I’ve never listened to that Tyler Stadius mix, but I was a big fan of that Cutlab - Loudkissin track - had it on vinyl back when it was released.
bosstrabs Lavelle’s Fabric is OK, but his masterpiece is Cream Live 2 (the white cover compilation), which allegedly wasn’t even mixed by him, but the Psychonauts.
rhouses Damn the Meat Katie remix of Night Stalker on the Lavelle Fabric mix is giving ecstasy flashbacks.
rhouses A pimple-faced Dave reaching for the lazers all pilled up with his ugly af maharishi cargos and nike air max 95s mouthing the vocals when medway’s release gets mixed in.
BlainSA Just had another listen to Fabric 01. Been a long time, but man what a trip… Better than I remembered. Aged very nicely and still head and shoulders over the others.
rhouses BlainSA Never saw him DJ and don’t think I’ve heard a mixed comp of his. Do have a ton of his vinyl, and he might been a bit samey with that acid-based tech house. There’s a balance selections mix that I wouldn’t mind giving a listen. Just finished up the Mark Farina fabric - good stuff.
Christian always thought this was up there for lavelle. Nearly as good as Cream live and again not mixed by him
rhouses hugopal Think I might have it too, don’t think any of his stuff missed at the time. Easily my top 3 tech house producer.
Amps rhouses BPMs might be a tad bit high There’s nothing wrong with slightly faster music for fucks sake.
rhouses Amps Maybe not for everyone, but the high hats become a bit too grating for me when it’s faster. Doesn’t happen at 120, for the most part.
hugopal No one else in to Omar S? As with most the fabric CDs, it’s far from his best work, but still - being all Omar S it’s still pretty good.