Cankles-McJeggings Imagine the fucking whining in his house. Ooh pet the baby never sleeps, ooh pet no one likes my trainers, ooh pet JC no longer represents my sound 😭😭😭 Proper blouse.
Dubman What a bizarre statement to make. That’s the beauty of this place is in we all like different music. So what if no one else likes it.
Smallman1 Not even a single thanks to Nas for all of his wonderful endeavours during lockdown. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
seanc80 If Naz only had the pedigree and foresight to appreciate the original black NMD’s and not made a cunt of himself slobbering about with the follow ups then maybe he’d still be here.
303abuser Cankles-McJeggings I don’t think anyone even reads half of what I post and I keep coming back. 😂
303abuser That’s the point though, isn’t it? I don’t read every thread and don’t expect most to even bother with what I post in the production thread. No reason to leave unless like Zack said, it wasn’t the marketing outlet he expected. Strange all around.
Cankles-McJeggings 303abuser No reason to leave unless like Zack said, it wasn’t the marketing outlet he expected. Strange all around. I said right at the very start of his shit posting sets the whole reason he joined was purely to try and market himself.
C_J NasserAlazzawi Since my musical direction has changed I’ve found myself unable to contribute anything of worth to the JC community.
bosstrabs As I recall we rightly bombed the shit out of Iraq when we believed there was a stockpile of NMDs there.