Smallman1 zackster prog shitheads think good mixing = can’t tell when tracks are changing. One big night of indistinguishable slurry is what they want. Lol!
rhouses Quick question Zackster, do the transitions in Daft Punk Alive count? Bangers and nothing less IMO.
zackster rhouses Quick question Zackster, do the transitions in Daft Punk Alive count? Bangers and nothing less IMO. No
LT42 If one falls down the backstairs of the office whilst carrying the canapes for the marketing pow wow, you can recreate one of Jeff Mills’ finest moments. The sound of spoons crashing through the bannisters and echoing all the way up to the top floor resemebles the delay effect on Jeff’s mixer also. You won’t find a finer transition into your P45.
zackster The three track mix starting around 1:08:00 or there abouts is as good as it gets. Undeniably the best to ever do it.
LT42 zackster “I was doing that on a pair of KAMS back in 92. Next.” How did Flares get my fucking email??
rhouses As usual with Zackster and anything related with music, this thread is an absolute shit show.
Mad_Cyril Dan Jeff Would mix all the tracks off that Balance comp you bought at the same time. With one hand and no headphones
benson LNOE 50. Frankey and Sandrino Into sentre - u&me Mainly because this is where I first heard u&me but it’s pure Sasha blend. Also most of the first 5 tracks off transitions 4. Still love em. And obviously anything I’ve ever mixed.
hugopal zackster NOTHING off of 013 smokindan Sasha GU013 “Baseline Track - My Lexicon - Nothing Left” How ’bout reading the OP
hugopal Smallman1 I’m not sure it’s anything, but I can understand excluding it otherwise the thread will just be yet another repeat of people making the same posts on it they already have 10 times already on this board.