hugopal A similar “trend” which pretty much meets Hannu’s description in the thread title has been going on in techno for a few years as well, except in that case “higher bpms” has equalled more like 150+ bpm.
SM001 Homegrove Works a treat. (Sorry Hugo) Not a good example of what you described in the original post though.
hugopal Homegrove Don’t apologize to Hugo, ignore him. Maybe you’d have discovered that Barker tune way earlier if you didn’t. But I do have to reiterate, sticking that vocal on it is vandalising a cracking track.
hugopal I also posted the below track on here last year (wondering if rhouses might dig the vocal sample) and to me it also sounds like the sort of thing Hannu is talking about. DJ Heartstring almost exclusively make and play this kind of stuff and their tracks have been quite popular in some techno circles lately.
Amps I said Yarp, but having heard the examples I’m probably a Narp, I thought you where talking more about stuff like this: