mono-stereo Best sandwich! Shop bought? Made by you?!!! We Dont care! Best Sandwich please. Had a reasonable chicken mayo and crsipy bacon sanner from Taylors Oxford today. Nice.
bosstrabs My name is FUNKY and these r my favourite sandiches: JAM BEAND (BAKED) JAM and BISCUITS Chops
Cankles-McJeggings bosstrabs Very similar to Si’s. Monster munch Peanut butter Squeezy cheese Marmalade
rhouses Think my vote went to the Japanese 7-11 Egg Salad sandwich (with sharp cheddar mixed into the blend) last year. This year it has to be the classic club sandwich going by how many times I’ve had it at the cafe by the pool in our gated community.
Homegrove Do enjoy a good italian sub, but at home I usually make a BLT. Finland has shitty sandwhich culture, all you can usually get here is cheese, ham and cucumber in a roll. Maybe some lettuce thrown in for color.
RichM Banh mi or reuben my favourite. Made a nice spaghetti bolognaise sarnie yesterday on cheap white bread. That was a winner
BlainSA RichM Made a nice spaghetti bolognaise sarnie yesterday on cheap white bread That better have been from a tin
Mad_Cyril RichM Made a nice spaghetti bolognaise sarnie yesterday on cheap white bread Also Lasagna, preferably day old leftovers