She’s what? 70-odd here?


19 days later

A real “that guy who’s name you don’t know in a movie, but recognize the face” Treat Williams dead at 71 due to a motorcycle-accident. Pretty badass way to go at that age. Or stupid

Disney+ has Deep Rising if you want to watch a really fun bad movie he was in.

  • Dan replied to this.

    Things to Do in Denver When You’re Dead

    Great film

    It is but I felt it had really dated in the latest revisit about a year ago.

    Gabrielle Anwar is still an absolute sort at 53.

    Gabrielle Anphwoar more like

    • Dan replied to this.

      Cormac McCarthy. I’ve still not read Blood Meridian.

        Noooo! Easily my favourite writer. His books were incredibly vivid. Reading a paragraph felt like an entire chapter. RIP

        Homegrove Get on it, H. It’s an incredible piece of work. It’s a punch to the gut and not for the faint hearted but fucking amazing.
        ‘Child of God’ is the only book I haven’t read of his.

          No way…..gutted

          Blood Meridian is absolutely incredible.

          I have Suttree lined up for my holiday and recently read Child of God. Such a literary talent. RIP

          SM001 might actually be my favourite book. Blew me away. Agree with you on the vivid writing. He could make tumbleweed and scrub brush almost ethereal at times.

            Millsy might actually be my favourite book. Blew me away.

            Me too. I distinctly remember feeling like i’d been punched in the stomach and having the wind knocked out of me on a few occasions while reading ‘Blood Meridian’. In a good way 😅 Some of the scenes in that book are not for the faint of heart. Some of the violence makes The Old Testament feel like a hug. 😅

            Millsy Agree with you on the vivid writing. He could make tumbleweed and scrub brush almost ethereal at times.

            Ridiculously good writing. It helped that he wasn’t fond of the old punctuations. 😅

              Millsy Pretty hot in The Tudors at Henry’s sister.

              Down Boy!

              RIP Cormac McCarthy

              Read blood meridian, no country, and the road - all amazing, but nothing captures the father son relationship better than the road, think I was in tears at the end.

                Also found it far more frightening than blood meridian, that scenario feels like it could be 10 years away.

                Homegrove lol Friend messaged, got excitable and pulled up this thread thinking half the brits would be asleep and I could get some ‘likes’ for posting it first, saw that you had mentioned it “6 hours ago”, read the plaudits for Blood Meridian and thought The Road was actually better. Game recognize game.

                If that’s what you’re asking?