alistair in Amsterdam? Nice. Anyone else you have got your eye on seeing?

Yes sir.

Dixon also playing so will defs be checking him out.

Christian enjoy. its an amazing location and really well organised. Each zone is well away from each other and the sound systems are spot on. I have been a couple of times and never had a bad time (apart from a toss up between Herman or Solumun finishing after sasha). Really easy to get a taxi back to central afterwards, so do not worry about buses etc

Awesome, good to hear, thanks!

Christian new jack hustler to build up to it is also quite questionable

This is right up there. Used to try and get out of the rooms when it was playing. Difficult at Shelley’s as there was no other room. 🤮

    had the same feeling whenever i heard ‘xpansions - move your body’ Fuckin hate it

    SM001 some tune that!

    That particular mix was made together with Maik Maurice, one half of Resistance D.

    Derms is one of those ‘singalong’ clubbers I reckon. Middle of the floor, top well and truly off, singing his little heart out in between sobs. ‘in this siiiiiiilence’ sob

    I used to have them all on my wall and to be honest never even considered who did them!
    I wasnt allowed Never mind the bollocks though.
    When I bought friggin in the riggin my mum threw it in the bin.

    7 days later

    Will never forget his interview with EMU

    Will there ever be a better interviewer? I doubt it - one of the rare interviewers who asked a question and then shut up

      benson Michael Parkinson RIP

      Died of Parkinson’s too.

      Couldn’t write it if you tried.

      gcw Will there ever be a better interviewer?

      Jonathan Ross.


        gcw apart from when he interviewed Meg Ryan. Absolute car crash