Derms is one of those ‘singalong’ clubbers I reckon. Middle of the floor, top well and truly off, singing his little heart out in between sobs. ‘in this siiiiiiilence’ sob

I used to have them all on my wall and to be honest never even considered who did them!
I wasnt allowed Never mind the bollocks though.
When I bought friggin in the riggin my mum threw it in the bin.

7 days later

Will never forget his interview with EMU

Will there ever be a better interviewer? I doubt it - one of the rare interviewers who asked a question and then shut up

    benson Michael Parkinson RIP

    Died of Parkinson’s too.

    Couldn’t write it if you tried.

    gcw Will there ever be a better interviewer?

    Jonathan Ross.


      gcw apart from when he interviewed Meg Ryan. Absolute car crash

      Preferred Russell Harty. His Grace Jones interview was masterful.

      • Dan replied to this.

        Dan Christ. I was just making a point, Dan.

        • Dan replied to this.

          RIP Parky.
          Love this interview.

          Millsy Pipe down Mills…or you’ll get one 🥊😆