Really sorry to hear that. All the best.

Vin, I’m sorry to read that news. Hope you and the rest of the family are doing ok.

4 days later

RIP to the GREAT Bob Barker. Truly an S Tier gameshow host. Possibly the greatest of all time. Richard Dawson is the only other person I could really put at his level. Steve Harvey is making a strong case for himself but he has a long way to go before seeing the gates of quiz show Valhalla.

6 days later

Unconfirmed so far but rumours of Purple Aki going to big gym in the sky.

    Don’t know if it’s true or not. A guy posted a bit back on FB about being at an open air concert thing that was free in some park and he had his dog with him. He thought his dog was licking his leg so he looked down to find old PA licking the back of his legs 😄 I really want it to be true.

    Mohamed Al Fayed has passed away.

    The Royal Family will be delighted.

      And Jimmy Buffet, brother of Warren and inventor of my favourite meal

      First Rolf, then Purps….

      I hope someone is keeping an eye on Amps

        Knew a big event like Purps popping would bring you out of retirement!!

        Welcome back brother

        Is that your condo in the bottom pic Zacko?