Don’t know if it’s true or not. A guy posted a bit back on FB about being at an open air concert thing that was free in some park and he had his dog with him. He thought his dog was licking his leg so he looked down to find old PA licking the back of his legs 😄 I really want it to be true.

Mohamed Al Fayed has passed away.

The Royal Family will be delighted.

    And Jimmy Buffet, brother of Warren and inventor of my favourite meal

    First Rolf, then Purps….

    I hope someone is keeping an eye on Amps

      Knew a big event like Purps popping would bring you out of retirement!!

      Welcome back brother

      Is that your condo in the bottom pic Zacko?

      I’m just the land lord

      Old-Dutch I’ll not have my name mentioned in the same sentence as that sham of an artist!

      14 days later

      Listened to a podcast from one of his victims, totally horrific and amazing how parents were hoodwinked.

      Fairly sure no one these days would let their young kid stay over at a random geezers house

      7 days later