Amps Some boss trolling the other day from the Beeb, they announced the yearly financial results for the Games Workshop, something which I’m sure has never made the news ever before…
Amps Millsy Haunted pencil wasn’t it? Perfect description… no, wait… elitist shit cunt who is asset stripping the country with his mates whilst lining his own pocket and dodging taxes… that’s the perfect description of him.
Amps It’s like shooting fish in a barrel with Toby Young, he’s like some sort of famous version of the melters we get on here:
-si- Amps Lol at talented but flawed. The family of the talented but flawed caretaker of the jewish people, adolf hitler, send their condolences.
alistair Is there ever a time when a call centre does not claim to be “experiencing a higher volume of calls than usual”?