Phil-McRackin Sex education to be removed from schools and the reintroduction of jazz mag pages scattered around parks for kids to find.
I think I’ve told this story on here before, but it’s still a cracker.
One of the few times I was ever properly bollocked (i.e. threat of suspension, which didn’t actually happen) at school was when a load of us found a jazz mag on the upstairs of the school bus home. One of those days with condensation on the bus windows, so we ripped out all the pages and created a mural all around the upstairs of the school bus with batwing shots.
Unfortunately, a police car pulled out behind the bus and seeing the mayhem, the plod invited themselves onto the school bus to make us take it all down and take the names of those responsible. Proper brutal bollocking at school the next day. I think the only reason we didn’t get letters home or suspension was because the Headmaster couldn’t bring himself to write it up (how could you without pissing yourself laughing?)