Millsy Who was the lad that posted a no-necked selfie of himself in his bedsit? I think I immediately compared him to ‘Ram man’ from Masters of the Universe and he had a flounce.
Cankles-McJeggings Millsy Who was the lad that posted a no-necked selfie of himself in his bedsit? I think I immediately compared him to ‘Ram man That was Frank the Tank ie Hop head 😂 The silly little midget fuck. He had home made half mast jeans on with a crease ironed on the front. Got absolutely fucking ruined for it. He was 5ft max. Only worked out it was him last year. He wasn’t in his bedsit he was in a pub. The bedsit was my other mate Belio 😂
Millsy Loopy’s hand, belt, trampoline, music vid, tramp trabbs, publicity shots. All absolute classics of the genre. Love that guy. Ledge.
loopdokter Millsy Ta. I made the news again (sort of) for co-organizing this: No interview for me this time.
Cankles-McJeggings Millsy Loopy’s hand, belt, trampoline, music vid, tramp trabbs, publicity shots. All absolute classics of the genre. Love that guy. Ledge.
Cankles-McJeggings Unbroken1 always remember the video of the ‘Block Party’ he played, he and a couple of his mates rocking out in the makeshift booth, camera pans around, zero punters Haha he also hired a club out and there were 5 People in there max. He said he was rocking a full club.
Cankles-McJeggings He threatened to kill my old dear. 😂 All because I outed him for reselling artists mp3s. I let Barry Jamieson know he had the entire Fluid back cat. on his website for 50p each.
zackster Cankles-McJeggings He threatened to kill my old dear The “lock your doors and windows” line was so fucking funny.
IndustryStandard The American bint who was borderline stalking Sasha and his Mrs for about 2 yrs in NY. Worked in a flower shop or something . Kopped off with some English guy and formed some sort of cult where about 10 of them followed him round the globe wearing LNOE or Bedrock t shirts at the gigs . Used to get a right pasting on the Bedrock board when she posted pics and stories of her cult
nicksneddon IndustryStandard was that Wither and Wence? she would always go on about how she could hang with the big boys on a night out, I remember first seeing her at Space on the dancefloor standing on the spot pointing at Sasha and dribbling like a toothless toddler. I think she was staying with Warren and Brian but after a while they had had enough of her nonsense and kicked her out of their apartment iirc. Strange fucking woman
benson Hank_Solo I thought he reported the site to the security services or something. It must have been an alias. It was all very weird
[deleted] Hank_Solo I’ve only seen that the UK gov and FBI just investigating against bedrock socialise. I was that position that time, to see those investigations. The whole thing was because of dermo’s child porno things and releasing email passwords, asking bank accounts by him. Dermo was a proper criminal it seems.
Cankles-McJeggings benson I thought he reported the site to the security services or something Ministry of justice 😄 Absolute case.