I don’t really know what is right in all of this.
War = civilian deaths, always. So yeah, ideally stop the war.
However, Israel claim to have neighbours who want to see them destroyed, and that isn’t without evidence (if we are to believe the news)
Therefore IMO just because Israel is ‘defending’ by being highly offensive and efficient, with high civilian casualties - does that make it wrong? What if we waited until Hamas/Hezbollah were ‘allowed time’ to do whatever else they had planned - how would we feel about Israel if they were on the back foot and defending themselves from a major ground incursion + missile combo within their borders?
i.e. would we feel more aligned with them if they were receiving more pain inside their borders?
Israel can’t seem to get away from how a lot of us see them now:
The amount of civilian deaths in Gaza (and now Lebanon) is disproportionately higher than what Israel had suffered a year ago. Do the casualties really need to be that high?
What if Hamas really are hiding among civilians instead of bases, and this is making it impossible to target threats and leaders without hitting civilians?
All of this is, of course, assuming we can believe the news - which could be skewing how we feel even further
Just to throw in a curveball, since we never admit it on the News narratives
I’m also keen to point out (and find out) that almost all of the previous wars in this region were about oil/gas reserves being under control such as Iraq and Syria (as much about us gaining power, as preventing Russia and others from gaining it and weakening the west) - its why we can afford to throw billions (maybe trillions) at such a venture - so is this war just about the gas/oil and other resources and not remotely about what we are being told?
Image below was show to me by someone high up in Finance who explained why the west were really in Syria and Iraq etc. All about stealing / getting the taxes from oil and strengthening the economies. I do wonder whats at stake around Israel/Gaza/Lebanon as this may not just be about the history/narrative we think (even if some of the narrative is true).