hugopal Along_the_Wire I think he’s taking the piss. He’s already reposted other messages verbatim from ‘Electronic Intifada’ - he’s not really.
Cankles-McJeggings Whacko zacko is fully tin foiled up. Matter of time before killary is behind it all. Loon.
zackster An army accidentally or intentionally killing their own people at the height of bloodlust? Yeah totally crazy to think that would be possible.
BlainSA zackster He was accidentally shot right between the eyes, sir. Could’ve happened to anyone. Also, I’m not sure your average non-American would know who he is, Zach
rhouses Surely Hamas knew it would be raining hell and fire after all the terrorism. Wonder what they have up their sleeve over the next month, because right now it’s just looking suicidal. All the other Arab countries are being quite mouthy, but they don’t seem to be doing anything.
Cankles-McJeggings They think their silly little tunnels are going to help them. Already warned that they will be a blood bath for the IDF. Daft cunts obviously don’t realise the IDF won’t be going down them they’ll just be dropping bunker busters on them from 5000ft or filling them full of gas and sealing the cunts up. Bit rich coming from Jews really, but there you go.
mrrossi Cankles-McJeggings there’s a vid going round of them hitting the tunnels and massive puffs of smoke coming out of them
Cankles-McJeggings Being down a tunnel in this day and age isnt the brightest. It’s not 1960s Vietnam.
Hursty Apparently Hamas blew the hospital up now That’s the problem with war these days, everyone blames each other for everything, no one has the balls to own up for anything
zackster Naftali, Bibi’s close adviser, flat out said Israel did it and proudly took credit for the attack.
hugopal zackster Naftali, Bibi’s close adviser, flat out said Israel did it and proudly took credit for the attack. Source?