Mad_Cyril Would be great to send Dermo in on point. I’m sure he’d get huge cuddles from the Jihadis when he rocks up with his inflatable hammer. Will get Ed to crowdfund a GoPro so we can see wave him off 🎉
zackster Cankles-McJeggings Mossad have already made an enquiry. Yes, they thought you’d be perfect to replace their fallen comrade Jeffrey Epstein.
Cankles-McJeggings Are we going to have to send in the Nazi’s to sort out the out of control Jews now?
Cankles-McJeggings Anyone else noticed zacko went spastic with his twatter parroting when a few Palestinian terrorists got smoked in a well deserved revenge attack but when 30 odd of his fellow septics get mowed down in cold blood by one of his own in broad daylight he doesn’t bat a fucking eyelid. Not a dicky bird and the cunt was on the loose. The tinfoil clad virtue signaling fruitcake.
Homegrove Amy Schumer I could not give two fucks about, but Sarah Silverman turning out to be at least partly pro genocide bummed me out.