RichM One for the hammer, DJs, what a bunch of bastards….
mono-stereo RichM Laughed out loud at this: Sentencing Brookfield to a 14-week prison sentence, the judge told him on the night of the incident "another person engaged with you in polite conversation. He told you he was suffering with cancer. Most people would respond with kind words but you urinated on him.”
hugopal RichM DJ Admits Urinating On Man With Cancer At Club is not the catchiest of names. Promoters must struggle fitting that on a flyer.
zackster Now thats its on your shores in is absolutely going to end up in your KITCHEN SINKS. Buy tests people. This will not be a fulfilling I told yah so!
Along_the_Wire Millsy my last two ops had it as part of my pre-med - didn’t touch the fucking sides, did it?