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  • Amps & Zdog's Viva La Revolution thread

The chaps shoes in the middle are absolutely awful.

Can see Millsy rocking them.

hugopal the principles of capitalism are inherent in nature; forms of capitalism are as inescapable

that’s quite a bold statement, and one that I’m not sure I would agree with.

Amps she probably had it explained to her in crayon and still couldn’t understand it, so they didn’t let her ‘hold the levers’

So they left the Lever Room out of her tour of Number 10

9 days later

I am voting LibDem, the Tories are incompetent and I can’t in good conscience bring myself to vote Labour with all its insufferable bores like Amps.

  • Amps replied to this.

    Amps can’t really argue with that.

    I love the fact the school where our kids go isn’t heavy on homework, how they need extra after 6 hours a day is beyond me at a young age

    bosstrabs Labour with all its insufferable bores like Amps.

    Its a fair point. Although, please note, Labour are the Tories in disguise, Starmer’s a lousy capitalist, and none of them will be getting my vote.

      a month later
      2 months later

      What an absolutely bananas story.

      You knows it people, you fucking knows it!