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  • Amps & Zdog's Viva La Revolution thread

bosstrabs ‘I live in a Birkenhead estate and have never set foot in the countryside’?

Been in rural Shropshire the last couple of day (Hong Kong Disk2 for the journey down). My mates sister goes on the hunt, so I have a bit of insight into it.

bosstrabs Maybe traps that force them to gnaw their own paw off to escape?

You could just have humane traps and then dispatch them with a gun? That’s just off the top of my head. There are lots of other ways to control animal populations, we don’t need to rip them apart with dogs for fun.

Bladeofthesun sounds like he/she would be great fun at a party!

Don’t be a miserable twat Amps, as long as MY team is winning.


And the snooker isn’t interrupted.


6 days later

My tax dollars paying for Israeli healthcare but not my own healthcare is what is currently driving me bonkers.

  • Amps replied to this.

    Could always move back to the fatherland mate

    Our bright British future…


    Es gibt schon viele Amerikaner in Berlin wer kein Deutsch sprechen.

    I’d imagine Zacko would probably also be fine with just English in Israel as well.

    Predictably, the level of retardedness in this thread is already off the charts.

    Starting with the thread title, which should either be viva la revolución (Spanish), or vive la révolution (French).

    Amps being a total thicket as per.

    Dave being a borderline Hugo as per.

    zackster My tax dollars paying for Israeli healthcare but not my own healthcare is what is currently driving me bonkers.

    bosstrabs How do you propose foxes are dealt with, Amps?

    Fox hunting has barely any effect on the fox population. What farmers should do is not worry about the by simply building suitable building to stop the cunning fox from gaining entry.

      Along_the_Wire I remember the farmers being pretty successful with it during my time in the coontreesyed.