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  • Amps & Zdog's Viva La Revolution thread


Agree, she is stupid. A lot of people are, that they can find themselves in and probably drawn to positions of authority and wealth isn’t an indication of intelligence and certainly not one of any kind of altruism. It’s just what our rigged society delivers.

    Along_the_Wire It looks stupid to anyone with half a brain cell, but you’re not the target audience, it’s the delusion they sell to angry and disenfranchised.

    I think Liz Struss actually might be stupid.

    Amps Actually, scrap that, she’s not stupid

    If you look at her decision making process when she trashed everyone’s savings, she clearly is.

    • Amps replied to this.

      Mad_Cyril decision making process when she trashed everyone’s savings,

      Did she not do that with the intent of ultimately lining somebody else’s pockets?

        The lack of consultation with finance expertise is the height of stupidity

        • Amps replied to this.

          ehitach2 Sorry; the pockets of other millionaire friends who will sort her out with over paid jobs in the future / anyone who fancies betting against the pound.

            Mad_Cyril I think it was probably all done on purpose. Look at the company she keeps now. Imagine the kind of people who have her ear. They’re there to do nothing but make money as quickly as they can, they don’t care who gets hurt or how audacious the plan is. They go to war and kill millions of people for money, they’re not gonna sweat it over trashing our savings accounts.

              I think the conspiracy angle is over inflated. There may be some elements of what you’ve said but an entire country does have checks and balances in place to ensure decisions are well informed.

              I wouldn’t put out a Donk mix without checking with you first. That would be fucking stupid

              • Amps replied to this.

                Mad_Cyril I hear you, I really do. And at the time I thought the same pretty much. I think it blew up in their faces more so than they thought it would though. I think she was replaced way quicker than they had planned. I think they thought they could ride it out and keep scheming, if not fully get away with it.

                There’s a real live genocide going on as we speak, and we can’t get the media to report on it properly or even get a lefty politician to call for a ceasefire. It’s over. They’re all bought and owned by the 1% psychopaths.