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  • Election 2024: The Fate of Democracy

deadhead While Trump isn’t going to solve any of those problems, he’s absolutely right from a sentiment perspective. I’ve said it a million times before, the democrats don’t care about winning elections and it’s never been more evident than over the last year.

    alistair Didn’t see that coming did ya LT. Your reaction upon learning of the news would have been priceless.

    Well considering I’ve been fully aware of Putin’s campaign during last week’s elections in Tblisi and his ongoing campaign in the USA, yes I did expect an upset. Adding Musk to the pot was the key, without him he doesn’t win. Unfortunately there are too many people who think he is Iron Man and Einstein rolled into one. Swing voters, as I mentioned continuously, were the decider and nobody could’ve predicted how insanely idiotic they were - take Montana, Nevada, Arizona and Missouri for example where all these states overwhelmingly voted for the woman’s right to choose alongside voting for the cunt who directly stripped them of that right. Try and make sense of any of that. It looks like people were so overwhelmed by information overload and propaganda that they genuinely had no idea what they were doing.

    I don’t have a dog in the race so my reaction was probably the same as yours, meh, sorry to disappoint your little wank. Americans are devoid of help, its a cancerous society on a downward trajectory so what good would it do investing any emotion in it? What I will say is Putin has directly affected elections all over the world to his benefit and the consequences of last night’s election will be felt by us here on the Syrian border and the UK economy is now on thin ice also if Trump follows through with his magic “tariff” plan for the EU, so I wouldn’t be getting too uppity if I were you. I genuinely feel sorry for those who believed Trump’s and Musk’s lies over the last 6 months. It’s sad to think normal, decent people can be manipulated to that level but this is the lay of the political land now all over the place, the oligarchs rule, you can stick your democracy up your hoop. Those days are long gone. Social media has been hijacked (maybe even designed) for elections like this.

      Get on that moonshine LT! I’ll be over on the next flight out. At least you have the weather!

      • LT42 replied to this.

        He’s promised to publish the Epstein client list, reckon he will come good on that?

          Hursty depends how much moonshine he has I imagine.

          RichM much like the Republicans in the 1980 election using the evangelicals to secure a new huge voting bloc, they did the same with Elon who brought with him millions of undecided voters. Many of which probably voted for Biden in 2020. He then dangled millions of dollars in front of desperate, ignorant voters to drive it home and Rogan’s “endorsement” hoovered up what was left of the incel UFC crowd. All in all a huge number of new votes compared to 2020 and more than enough to swing it.

          This article is from the top link on Google but there are multiple sources if you search

          Its all very sinister

            Hursty he’s all over it, so I’m guessing if it does appear, chunks will be redacted for ‘reasons of nation security’

            Hursty and the JFK files and this and that and the other thing. None of which he will do because not only would he be on the list, but he’s a filthy lying cunt. Here’s a thread to get your teeth into. When hes rotting in the grave people will only then realise having a “modelling competition” and attached agency was an obvious ruse for a paedo, its too late now though. The fact many in DC back him, including the Supreme Court, it makes you wonder just how big the whole seedy affair is and the level of its participants. Trump has dirt on them all.

            Any idea where those 15m dems voters went!?

            Is ‘the special relationship’ specifically for ‘special’ people?

            Sleepy Joe being thrown under the bus. Just as well he’s “sharp as a tack” so as to avoid the collision.

            Decent summary from Pie