• General
  • Election 2024: The Fate of Democracy

Sans cheese I hope

His name is Hanners,
He smells of hammers,
He has ridiculous ideas,
To help a few tranners

Did someone say Pea-dough?

Smallman1 They’ve got tampons in the men’s loos in the hospo section at the bridge.

Which is nice.

Ed uses them when he’s forgotten to put in the butt plug for Darren later.

Amps I’ll be spending the weekend watching Stormy Daniels back catalogue.

Gave up on this, she really does nothing for me.

    Amps Is binge-porn watching your go to dopamine hit to quell climate anger?

    • Amps replied to this.

      Hursty No. But in unrelated news, I have recently become a heroin addict.

      • LT42 replied to this.

        Amps Do you know how much CO2 was released into the atmosphere getting you that Heroin from Helmand Province? You’re as bad as the rest of us.

        • Amps replied to this.

          LT42 My dealer says it all comes from Hulme?


          It’s a lose/lose, mono. Smoking and he’s fucking up the ozone layer. Injecting and he’s adding to the disposable plastics tally daily.

          Amps is basically the board’s own BoJo. Do as i say, not as i do.

            -si- just waiting for those solar panels made from Chinese slave labour

            hugopal Why would it be bad for the UK to hand back sovereignty of the Chagos?

              It’s strategic importance is that it’s strategically important Grant.

              Hursty I’m not picking a fight - I genuinely don’t understand why it matters. I get why it matters to the US, but not the UK….