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  • Election 2024: The Fate of Democracy

Oh god. MC is at least one salt and pepper box deep!

    Tucker no doubt flummoxed that Vlad is a mentaller.

    Classic dumb-as-fuckery or a total lack of appreciation for the world outside of the US of A?

    If I can manage the heartburn down I’m going to open number 3!

    Not forgetting he’s a massive sex pest and yet people are still supporting him

    zackster It’s worth a watch. The gulf in intelligence between Putin and our leaders is obvious. He certainly doesn’t come across as a frothing mad cunt.

    I don’t fully understand or agree with most of his reasoning on geopolitics and the formation of the Western Balkans, but his take on American free trade imperialism and the fall of the Soviet Union is interesting.

    zackster Vlad absolutely cooks him.

    Not that tricky, shirley?

    Classic photo from the good old days, 10 years ago.

    Barack trying to explain GU 002 there.

    Old-Dutch with the copying of Putin’s talking points?

    I don’t see how any of that really explains or justifies why Russia had to invade.

    He also calls the UK “England” and repeatedly says Tony Blair was doing things when he hadn’t been PM for a decade and it was actually Boris Johnson. He sounds like he’s rivalling Biden for dementia in more ways than one.

    (As an extra note, him stating that everything supposedly began in 2014 it’s also overlooking that Yanukovych had been clamping down on political opposition and was hugely corrupt before he was ousted)

    zackster he’s an absolute moron who flew with Jeff Epstein multiple times

    but enough about Dutchy


    Why would you consider anything anyone says on social media as true?

    Trump really is a petulant overgrown man baby. Incredibly stupid, incredibly dangerous.

    I can just see a head of state saying “Will you pwease pwotect us, Mr Pwesident, Putin is bad man”


    On Saturday, Trump claimed that during an unspecified Nato meeting he told a fellow head of state that the US under his leadership would not defend any countries who were “delinquent”.

    “One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, ‘Well, sir, if we don’t pay, and we’re attacked by Russia, will you protect us?’” Trump said, adding “I said, ‘You didn’t pay, you’re delinquent?

    “No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills."

      US media must’ve made a shit ton of money from the Trump outrage of 2016-2020 to be this desperate for him to win.

        ehitach2 clearly the way he says these things are dangerous and stupid, but he does have a point in there. He has always said NATO countries need to pay their way, and I agree with that. Maybe some countries need the threat by Trump to do something