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  • Election 2024: The Fate of Democracy

Smallman1 Amps and 303 have teamed to make up an unimaginably horrific duo.

Silver-lining is they’ve both agreed to take themselves out the gene pool.

    JFK and MLK files to be released I’m sure msm will find a way to turn that into a negative.

    • Edited

    hugopal lol

    To be fair, the only reason I’m bullish on planet Earth is due to the wonders my Nugenix subscription is doing

      Hursty due to the wonders my Nugenix subscription is doing

      You rang?!

      Hursty do you take it orally or suppositories? The latter stings but is fast acting and makes me feel alive. I’ve heard you can also smoke it but have yet to try.

      Amps most snooker fans are 70+, bit harsh to get them to make changes in this planet.

      Big snooker fan here, but not quite in my 70s. I also don’t give a monkeys about climate change , so maybe we are all selfish?!

        gcw I can see the headlines now “snooker fans want the planet to die, they only care about potting the brown and screwing back for the pink. It’s a disgrace” says Amps from the Jaded Clubbers message board

          Do you not remember the OUTRAGE amongst certain JC members when the hippies interrupted it the other year?

          RichM I can see the headlines now “snooker fans want the planet to die, they only care about potting the brown and screwing back for the pink. It’s a disgrace” says Amps from the Jaded Clubbers message board

          Not only that but they chop down trees to make the tables and cues - how bloody dare they?!?!


            Trump will be front row at the next masters

            We’re the fucking mugs.

            Al. Do you think that the move towards greener electricity is the the thing driving prices up?

            I want my leccy cheaper not greener!

              Going greener isn’t about cheaper it’s about what’s best for the planet. I would assume at some point in the future the cost will reduce as it becomes more efficient to produce. Until then we pay a premium for doing the right thing. I’m good with that. The demand for everything cheaper is what’s wrong with society. Cheap on the whole equals shit, whether it’s food, clothes, electrical, cars etc etc

                Smallman1 I think that’s classed as a hate crime now

                gcw maybe your kids will give a monkey’s, you’ll be long gone by the time it’s far too late.

                hugopal We’ve better sense than your parents clearly.

                Finland’s been one of the best decarbonizers in the world, yet we also have very cheap energy. Weird, huh?

                RichM The high cost of energy isn’t just bad for consumers and energy security, it’s bad for the economy. It’s a positive deterrent to manufacturers setting up business here as opposed to elsewhere. Electricity isn’t a luxury like cars or clothes. It’s half the price in France but they weren’t stupid in enough to turn their back on nuclear. Our energy policy and obsession with net zero is nuts. We contribute 1% to global emissions for fucks sake.