Does Hannu live in a forest
Election 2024: The Fate of Democracy
Hannu is an ewok
Hey, I’m not THAT short!
Amps and 303 have teamed to make up an unimaginably horrific duo.
Me and BF they aren’t!
JFK and MLK files to be released I’m sure msm will find a way to turn that into a negative.
Big snooker fan here, but not quite in my 70s. I also don’t give a monkeys about climate change , so maybe we are all selfish?!
RichM I can see the headlines now “snooker fans want the planet to die, they only care about potting the brown and screwing back for the pink. It’s a disgrace” says Amps from the Jaded Clubbers message board
Not only that but they chop down trees to make the tables and cues - how bloody dare they?!?!