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  • Election 2024: The Fate of Democracy

Smallman1 The swamp is FINALLY getting drained.

Elon is getting fully in to the weeds!

All that money buying tampons for mens toilets in government facilities to be exposed.

Tremendous philanthropic work from the two oddballs.

Looking forward to them implementing their communist philosophies and redistributing wealth amongst the peoples

  • Amps replied to this.

    Smallman1 The swamp is FINALLY getting drained.

    Yeah, but it’s being drained by NuSwamps Inc.

    Mad_Cyril redistributing wealth amongst the peoples

    Where is the next Joe McCarthy? When reading about the Second Red Scare, I never really thought ’they haven’t gone far enough’, but turns out I was wrong. Mad to think the Russians have won.

    Donald Trump launches a fresh attack on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, calling him a “dictator” and saying he has done a “terrible job”


    The Russians were always going to win, Amps. Unless we go to WW3.

    Don’t worry, a lot of US Corporations and politicians (European too) won too. So all good.

    As always, war is very profitable for some

      The biggest joke is Starmer sending in a UK peace keeping force.

      Looking forward to finding out where the missing $100b of US aid went to

        Old-Dutch As always, war is very profitable for some

        Not you as well 😩

        Please don’t respond with the old weapons sales go up when there’s a war ‘gotcha’

          Old-Dutch it went into my bank account. I sent them one of those emails pretending to be a Nigerian king needing some money

          Mad_Cyril You think countries only go to war for ‘honest’ reasons?

            Mad_Cyril MC still with his head in the sand

            It was Zelensky who claimed this for the record. Stand down

            Don claimed 3bn today

              Can someone tell me who the goodies and who the baddies are?

              It makes life so much easier to comprehend

                Amps You think countries only go to war for ‘honest’ reasons?

                No mate, that would be fucking stupid.

                But I don’t think they do it to sell weapons like some of the board donuts