zackster Yes, this absolutely is a stretch
Hey @Homegrove, zackster has said that Putin won’t do anything in Finland - so you can guys all rest easy now and not bother joining NATO.
zackster Yes, this absolutely is a stretch
Hey @Homegrove, zackster has said that Putin won’t do anything in Finland - so you can guys all rest easy now and not bother joining NATO.
Mad_Cyril plus a $2000 deductible on top. And $2000 is low. Most people have anything from $5000 to $10,000 they have to pay out of pocket before their insurance kicks in. Also, your insurance dictates what type of docs you can see. If you have HMO you are basically fucked and can only see the most basic of physicians. Its so fucked up.
My American friends husband broke his arm a few years ago and I couldn’t believe how much they had to pay themselves even though they had health insurance. If I recall. It was over $2000. Is there any help if you’re on a low income and can’t really afford health insurance or are they forced to take on a massive dept to get fixed. On the other hand my mother is on a specialist cancer drug which costs 5k per month and is completely free.
What Zackster isn’t telling you is that his work covers his healthcare meaning he spends his extra disposable on tenant evicting techno.
Good to see Ukraine getting some love!
Looking great here
Is Biden as bad as Bush & Cheney now when it comes to blood on his hands. I mean a few of us predicted his term would be bad but holy fuck.
I like how the US is calling for restraint in Ramallah whilst signing off $89 trillion dollars worth of weapons.
erik I read recently that 41% of Americans are over weight and 30% are obese
It’s worse than that - it’s more like about 30-32% of Americans are overweight and 40-42% are obese.
Plus in case it wasn’t explicit, those are separate categories (meaning about 73-74% of adults in total are either overweight or obese).
I didn’t have Zacko down as a fatso so I’m not quite sure why he’s so keen to pay for others’ diabetes medication.