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zackster speaking as someone who’s country has a border as long as the country is with Russia we need NATO.

    Homegrove yes yes, much like Israel, you want my tax dollars to protect you even at the expense of my getting healthcare.

      zackster Why does NATO still exist? The USSR is no more. It should be dissolved immediately.

      ehitach2 On reflection, it’s a fundamental flaw in my analogy in response to your daft question around the existence of NATO. Soz

      Aside from that it was a decent analogy by ehitach.

      When you have Russia running amok in Ukraine in part because there’s a chance that they’d have joined NATO, it’s not a stretch to imagine that Russia would also murderously attack the rest of Europe with the hope of regaining more territory/re-establishing the USSR/ or just being destructive douchebags were it not for the continued presence of NATO keeping them at bay (similar to how Cankles without his meds would likely go back to carrying out more hammerings).

        hugopal it’s not a stretch to imagine that Russia would also murderously attack the rest of Europe

        Yes, this absolutely is a stretch. It’s prevent is at the expense of US citizens having national healthcare, functional bridges, any form of rail travel, and levies to keep the encroaching ocean at bay. USA as the world’s policeman pisses everyone off, until someone suggests it be taken away.

          But you’re vaxxed to the max and an apex specimen.

          What healthcare have you missed out on?

            Mad_Cyril it costs me $500 a month for health insurance. On top of that I have a $2000 deductible. That means anything healthcare related that happens up to $2000 comes out of my pocket. Every time I see a Dr it costs $25. A trip to the emergency room is $250. And this is considered about as good a healthcare plan as there is.

              Move to GREAT Britain and suck on the teets of the NHS chief!

              Mad_Cyril that depends. First you have to have a Dr. At the moment is feels like most practices aren’t accepting new patients. It also depends on what type of Doc ur seeing. A GP that has accepted you as a patient will usually see you in 48-72 hours. A specialist on the other hand can take weeks or months to get you in. I had a guy try to tell me 6 month wait for something over the summer. Our healthcare system is so unbelievably awful outsiders can’t possibly understand it.

                zackster Yes, this absolutely is a stretch

                Hey @Homegrove, zackster has said that Putin won’t do anything in Finland - so you can guys all rest easy now and not bother joining NATO.

                Mad_Cyril plus a $2000 deductible on top. And $2000 is low. Most people have anything from $5000 to $10,000 they have to pay out of pocket before their insurance kicks in. Also, your insurance dictates what type of docs you can see. If you have HMO you are basically fucked and can only see the most basic of physicians. Its so fucked up.

                  My American friends husband broke his arm a few years ago and I couldn’t believe how much they had to pay themselves even though they had health insurance. If I recall. It was over $2000. Is there any help if you’re on a low income and can’t really afford health insurance or are they forced to take on a massive dept to get fixed. On the other hand my mother is on a specialist cancer drug which costs 5k per month and is completely free.

                  Homegrove absolutely none of that would go away without NATO.

                  Why not? I just paid for some if it with this.

                    zackster that money is not going to go to affordable healthcare before a communist revolution in your country.

                      What Zackster isn’t telling you is that his work covers his healthcare meaning he spends his extra disposable on tenant evicting techno.

                      Homegrove that money is not going to go to affordable healthcare before a communist revolution in your country.

                      Lol @ you’ll never get what you want so at least let your army secure my borders.

                      Good to see Ukraine getting some love!

                      zackster Your shit healthcare isn’t a zero sum game with respect to NATO. You spend more per capita than other developed nations for sub-par coverage because your government has chosen private profit over quality of care. You need a reorganization of the system, not more funding.