ScottBailey SM001 great track! Added it to my download list earlier in the day too. Will definitely put it in a forthcoming mix. Also, still trying to get some info about a remix he did of Colorful Language. He played it on a recent stream, sounded decent.
IndustryStandard alistair love it. Been playing it all week . So many great tracks out at the moment .
ScottBailey Chus & Ceballos remix of the new Markus Homm track ‘Back At It’ sounding large! Calling it that JD plays it tonight. Also digging the original too.
jonattonyeah ScottBailey Chus & Ceballos I don’t think I’ve listened to a single thing they’ve done since like 2003. Are they still drums over drums over drums? Fair play for the commitment if so.