• General
  • Starmer (UK is Jaded thread)

Starmer in da house, let’s ‘ave it…

I work in the social housing sector and we’re all looking forward to the 1.5m new homes that Kier promised would happen.

And of course if Labour deliver even a quarter of that I’ll eat my hat

Genuinely looking forward to it, first few years are generally marginally better than the previous incumbents.

It’s Starmageddon.

How long do we think it will be before the general population call for Labour to go? Give it 2 years I reckon

    Didn’t realise the Minister for Common Sense kept her seat. Jaysus.

    RichM it won’t be that long. The media were already sowing the seeds of doubt earlier by continually banging on about how the majority isn’t all that, the rise of Reform etc.

      gcw it won’t be that long. The media were already sowing the seeds of doubt earlier by continually banging on about how the majority isn’t all that, the rise of Reform etc.

      Depends which elements of the media you’re talking about. The RWM have schilled for the Tories for the entire 14.5 years. It was only when the fuck ups got so bad that the “Emperor’s Clothes’ facade finally fell away with much of the public cottoning on only years later.

      The Tories were in full control and still too incompetent to address the many societal issues, choosing instead to funnel money to the wealthy at opportunity and were reliably front and centre on all of the corruption/sleaze issues.

      Conversely, as soon as the Tories looked to be on the ropes, the narrative has been M, “what are Labour doing about it?” Overlooking that they weren’t in power and were in opposition for the entire period. The Tories have puked all over the country and yet the RWM will say Labour haven’t or won’t be able to do anything.

      gcw Reform would’ve taken Labour votes too - racists get fucking everywhere.

      Protestor lols at Farages ‘victory’ speech. Poor Nigel!

      Labour back in! Rayner on the front bench!

      Not Time for Change, Time for CLUNGE!