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  • Starmer (UK is Jaded thread)

Did you keep a kestrel as well dubs?

    Old-Dutch That would be socialism. And we can’t have that. Schemes like what you have just described wouldn’t enrich the middle classes in any way shape or form. We can’t allow that kind of thinking.

    Dubman Yes. We called him bazza

    Does he know Dazza? Any holidays abroad?

    Dubman I can believe that. The right to buy was a fuckin short sighted Tory policy.

      If only they’d replaced them one for one when it first started when land building them was much cheaper.

      The government, via the DLUHC, give millions in grant funding to housing associations each year. It’s not enough, and it’s way lower than it used to be, but it is something.

      Houses are being built. My place is just about to sign off on a deal for a 200 house estate in Bucks, of which 25% will be social housing aka the old style council housing of yesteryear. They will be amazing properties as well. The best energy efficiency, lovely area, all for around £150 a week- which HB will pay for if you aren’t in work

        gcw They will be amazing properties as well. The best energy efficiency, lovely area, all for around £150 a week- which HB will pay for if you aren’t in work

        I’m massively all in for affordable housing, but not massively keen on the bolded.

        Hopefully a move in the right direction to get people on the ladder

        I read recently that Blackstone own over 200k apartments in Berlin and are one of the culprits in a technical game of property investment that is driving up rental prices globally. Anything that dents that direction is a good thing.

        Old-Dutch Blackstone Inc was who I read about, Dutchy. They’re some kind of private equity fund who are hoovering up real estate all over the world. Blackrock are another crowd who are at it. It seems to be a fail safe way to invest your billions.

        Ah apologies - hadn’t heard of Blackstone.

        Probably the same outfit.


        BlackRock and The Blackstone Group are often confused as they share similar names and origins. Founded in 1985, both companies fell under an umbrella company called Blackstone Financial Management, a mergers and acquisitions company. In 1988, BlackRock separated from the parent company and focused on risk management.

        • LT42 replied to this.

          Maybe we were very lucky. We had an apple orchard behind our house and we had a huge tree house in which all parts of the estate help build. Probably the best part was the football matches we used to play against other parts of the estate. But now all the big trees have gone lots of the front garden are all fenced off.

            Dubman did you go scrumping for apples? Lashings and lashings of ambrosia for pudding? I must say this council estate sounds very Enid Blyton.