Along_the_Wire I’m here - outside isn’t busy - I’m at the back of it, there’s a bit of a wind break, so more pleasant
Old-Dutch Along_the_Wire I’m at the back of it, there’s a bit of a wind break, so more pleasant Always horrible when you’re pushing against the wind
IndustryStandard No clue what any of you fuckers look like . Obviously no birds will be in tow . Until Ed turns up that is .
Mad_Cyril Smallman1 everyone on top top form! Top top form Shirley? Good luck with the white paper tomorrow - you massive racist!
Smallman1 Mad_Cyril Good luck with the white paper tomorrow - you massive racist! Thought leadership piece on How Confident Brands Can Gain and Maintain Trust incoming! Hold tight!
Along_the_Wire Good night that lads. Sean will be enormously fucked off that it went beyond 90 minutes
Mad_Cyril Along_the_Wire Good night that lads. Sean will be enormously fucked off that it went beyond 90 minutes Drinkies going from strength to strength 💪
IndustryStandard Quality night and fantastic to meet everyone at last . Roll on The Roundhouse next month and more importantly ……JC Live . Coming to you all from a back room very soon 💪
Dan benson I had four cans of Ghost Ship last night and I feel like I’ve been gang raped. It’s much cleaner on tap.
Along_the_Wire benson I had a bit of a headache, reckon not many people buy that 6.7% hazy number from San Diego and the pipes were bad