Old-Dutch Millsy Ps. How fucking cold is it? Shivering my Jacobs off. Wait till Granto gets his winer fuel allowance cut off
Smallman1 Nudie jeans? Check. Paul Smith Jumper? Check. Banging Nike Air Pegaus? Check. Bants from another planet? Standard. OLB will be coming in hot around the 6.30pm mark!
benson Leaving Chelsea in about 30 mins. See you there. I’ll be looking for the awkward group of early retireees
Along_the_Wire I’m here - outside isn’t busy - I’m at the back of it, there’s a bit of a wind break, so more pleasant
Old-Dutch Along_the_Wire I’m at the back of it, there’s a bit of a wind break, so more pleasant Always horrible when you’re pushing against the wind
IndustryStandard No clue what any of you fuckers look like . Obviously no birds will be in tow . Until Ed turns up that is .
Mad_Cyril Smallman1 everyone on top top form! Top top form Shirley? Good luck with the white paper tomorrow - you massive racist!
Smallman1 Mad_Cyril Good luck with the white paper tomorrow - you massive racist! Thought leadership piece on How Confident Brands Can Gain and Maintain Trust incoming! Hold tight!